Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Basement Awards 2007

Happy New Year from The Video Basement!

2007 has passed, and 2008 is here, and I'm ready for some great new movies like Iron Man and Cloverfield to come to a town near me . . . but I doubt any future year will be packed with as many great films as 2007 was. I mean Zodiac, No Country for Old Men, Michael Clayton, Knocked Up, and Superbad all in the same fugging year? They should have spread the releases out over a few years, dammit.

Since this blog was started in December of 2007, there aren't many movies to choose from for the "Best of 2007" list. This may seem like a bad thing, but actually, it makes this a whole thing a lot easier. By the way, these aren't the best films to come out in theaters, these are the best films to come out of the Basement. Just to clear that up.

First, the nominations (winner in red type) for best Actor . . .

Kurt Russell in Death Proof

Kurt Russell in The Thing

Christopher Walken in The Dead Zone

The nominations and winner for Best Actress are . . .

Brooke Adams in The Dead Zone

Zoe Bell in Death Proof

Grace Kelly in Rear Window

Now we move on to the worst films of December 2007 (and all of 2007). I have to get these out of the way before we look at the quality films . . .

3 - The Incredible Petrified World - Almost a complete waste of time. All this movie gives you is John Carradine's voice stuck in your head.

2 - Terror - An absolute dismal and dreary film. The script is bad, the direction is dull, and the finale is even worse.

1 - Santa Claus Conquers the Martians - Santa is not funny. And neither is his fat wife. This whole thing makes me sick.

And the best films of 2007 are . . .

3 - The Hills Have Eyes - A big surprise from Wes Craven. I've heard mixed reviews about this one, but I shit you not - this movie is scary.

2 - The Thing - Kurt Russell in one of his most ass-kicking moments of all time, and a batch of special effects that are above and beyond anything CGI ever did. And all under the direction of John Carpenter. Awesome.

1 - Rear Window - It's just the obvious choice. And it's the classiest film here, which automatically gets it the #1 spot. I mean B-Movies are great, but they sadly cannot compare to Hitchcock.

In closing, check out Malone. That would win the "Kicked Everyone's Ass" award.

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